segunda-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2014


This is what I liked from Manequim February 2014 edition.I will start with the styling ideas pages so that you can see more patterns I didn´t post:

Manequim super atrasada de novo, mas bastante coisa legal, olhem só: 

Carolina Ferraz is a Brazilian actress and one of my fashion icons. Oh, and she is beautiful too, I love her! 

Roupitchas da MARAVILHOSA Carolina Ferraz:
I have a thing for one-shoulder dresses, and I really like this "second skin" fabric detail on this one. 
Love the pants!

From the cover feature, I really like the white little jacket in different fabrics and I find these skirts with details on the hems very nice. Too short, though!

Adoro essas saias com detalhes e recortes na barra, só que são muito curtas. Amei a jaquetinha branca também! 

The designer inspiration of the month is Derek Lam and again, I love the article. I think that Manequim does a great thing here showing several different ways of wearing a few pieces of clothing, and I usually love the accessories! There are three patterns: the yellow blouse, the dress and the bermuda shorts (I hate bermuda shorts with all my being, they belong right there with high-low skirts and these skirts that are long and sheer and worn over a mini skirt. Oh, wait, there is a pattern for one of these skirts in this issue, just keep reading, lol. Btw, WHAT are these skirts called, anyone?)  

Then, the summery flowy lovely dresses! LOVE the maxi dresses:

Bom, maxi vestidos e eu, combinação perfeitinha, hehehe:

And the last article, evening clothes two ways: classic or sexy ;) I love all the clothes from this spread!!!!

O artigo de roupitchas para balada em duas versões, clássica ou sexy. Amei tudo!
I want this dress. No, I mean this exact dress, in this fabric! 
Eu quero ESSE vestido nesse tecido!
Unfortunately the only pattern here is for the blouse, which I think is great, but I do so like the b&w skirt and the pants with striped sides!
Amo a blusinha, a saia preta e branca e a calça com essas faixas laterias listradas!
Another "hem-skirt"!
Mais uma saia com detalhe na barra! A blusinha também é linda!

Ok, this styling idea on the left is ME. And what beautiful back straps on the top!
Então, essa look da esquerda é yo! E olha as alças do top!
LOLLOLLOLLOL, the skirt I hate... but I have to explain that I hate this sheer over mini thing, if the fabric    weren´t see-through it wouldn´t be so bad! I love the blouse too!
Eu não sei porque eu simplesmente odeio essas saias transparentes por cima de minis, odeio! Mas se o tecido dessa aí não fosse transparente, não seria tão ruim. A blusinha branca é lindinha! 
E aí, gostaram?

3 comentários:

  1. Hi, Heidi!
    I am very grateful for what you post on your blog scanned magazines. I now have the opportunity to know in advance what will be in the magazine, which I will send. I ask you to continue to please me more. I also want to compliment your talent. you sew VERY STYLISH THINGS. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment, Merli! I sure will continue with the Manequim posts, and I try to post them asap!!! I know what you mean, I am always looking forward to the Burda Style previews, because I get them a little late, just a little, but I almost die waiting for them. lol !! How long do the Manequim magazines take to get to your country?
      Thank you for your kind words about my sewing, I loved them!!!!

    2. I'm waiting for about a month, that it came to me in Russia from Brazil. But Burda magazines we are always at hand in close proximity. But I really like it manikum magazine, here is very interesting models and styles. You are very fortunate that he published in your country.
