sexta-feira, 16 de maio de 2014


I made this golden sequins jacket some time ago (first seen here), and I really like it, and I wear it in many different ways and have lots of fun with it! Here it is paired with destroyed boyfriend jenas - which I love - a very sheer little embroidered chiffon top, navy blue high hells, a leather messenger bag and tons of Swarovski bracelets. I love jeans and wear them with everything and I love the contrast of textures, shine and "weight" of materials...  The little jacket just makes everything soooo beautiful! How do you like it?

Eu A-M-O o meu "casaquinho de ouro"! Ele deixa qualquer look lindinho que só (tem um post dele aqui). Como eu adoro jeans, eu o combinei com um boyfriend rasgado, uma blusinha de chiffon toda bordada, sandália azul marinho, bolsa de couro e MUITAS pulseiras... Eu adoro o contraste das texturas, brilhos e "peso" dos tecidos! E aí, gostaram?

 DIY jacket, Riachuelo jeans, very old unhemmed Zion top (I don´t think the brand still exists...), LeLisBlanc shoes, Zara bag and Swarovski bracelets. 

Casaquinho eu que fiz, jeans da Riachuelo, top da Zion (ainda existe Zion?), sandália LeLisBlanc, bolsa da Zara e pulseiras da Swarovski. 

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