sexta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2013


This is the same romantic blouse seen here, but in a styling idea that is a little bit more polished. Again, I love the contrasts: the colors - balck and white- and materials - sheer feminine silk and lace and heavier jeans, leather and metal. And as much as I love sparkle and jewelry, I kept it simple with stud earrings and one huge ring, smoky eyes and hair down (there you go, my first make up/hair tip!) 

blusinha vintage publicada aqui, agora num look mais arrumadinho! De novo, amo os contrastes, aqui das cores, preto e branco, e dos estilos, a blusinha super romântica e transparente com as outras peças "pesadas": jeans, couro e metal. De bijus, só um par de brinquinhos pequinininhos e um anelaço enorme, cabelos soltos e olhos esfumaçados- minha primeira blogagem de maquiagem/cabelo :))))))))     
I made the blouse, Le Lis Blanc shoes and jeans, Zara clutch and jacket, Swarovski jewelry.

Blusinha "eu que fiz", sapatos e calça da Le Lis Blanc, jaqueta e carteira da Zara

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