quarta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2013


I find that Burda Style January is quite an interesting mix of really nice and really weird clothes. There is a party clothes spread (with a man´s blazer and a shirt) with a really beautiful pink dress in such a weird fabric :(. I liked the blouses and golden pants. Oh, and there´s another one-shoulder dress! Then there are black and white clothes, lots of faux fur, a looong article with costumes (??) and finally the Plus section. In the last couple of years the Plus section has been wonderful, but in this issue they chose odd chunky fabrics for the clothes and I didn´t like most of them... And the designer piece is an Aquilano Rimondi number. LOVE IT!! So here´s what I liked from the January issue of Burda Style magazine:

O preview da Burda está muito interessante. A mistura de coisas lindas com as muito estranhas está demais! Tem um artigo de roupas para Réveillon que é muito esquisito para nós brasileiras, mas gostei das blusas, da calça dourada, do vestido pink (porém odiei o tecido) e do vestido de um ombro só, que amo! Tem também um artigo muito longo de fantasias que nem coloquei aqui, né? E as roupas GG estão estranhas nessa edição: escolheram uns tecidos muito grossos que deixam as roupas enormes, não gostei... E esse vestido do Aquilano Rimondi, que'quéisso, minha gente?? ;)) As roupitchas das quais gostei:

 I love faux fur! 
Amo pele falsa - moro num lugar que não dá para vestir nunquinha, mas amo!

Really beautiful biker jacket and I love the dress! And I do like the stripped sweater, lol!
Amei a jaqueta e o vestido! E o suéter, rsrsrsrs!


Party clothes:
I loved this blouse! It´s totally me!
Amei essa blusa- é a minha cara!! 

Plus section- these are the two clothes I liked:  
as únicas duas peças da seção GG de que gostei:

This is the Aquilano Rimondi dress, and I think it´s fabulous!!!

2 comentários:

  1. Hi Heidi,

    I finally managed to put my hands on the January issue of Burda. And it's a real pleasure to have it :). There are at least 4 patters on my sewing list without mentioning the male jacket and shirt. I don't know why Burda is so shy about publishing male patterns. It's a mystery to.

    But back to the female collection :). My first to-sew pattern will be the stripped patterne on the cover. Easy to wear and depending on the fabric could also be a good candidate for a more evening style. I'm also interested in the black suede blouse (it seems that suede is playing a lot in this model although it could be nice in silk, chiffon or just jersey). The biker jacket is awesome and it's scoring really high. The model is original and seeing it in organza was a bit of surprise but then why not, it looks stylish as presented by Burda. And finally, the best of the best - the designer model (an italian designer of the month, perfect!)

    Actually, as I write this I start to think that Burda are investing a lot of effort in end of the year issues. And they take vacation in the begging of summer :). What do you think ?

    Happy sewing and happy holidays !

    1. Thank you, Elina!
      I agree that the black suede blouse would look good in another fabric, like silk! I love the biker jacket un organza, I think it´s a great twist. And the designer dress, waht is THAT?
      I always think that the best issues of Burda are the Fall/Winter editions, I love them, but have you by any chance seen the February issue? Sooooo pretty, which means more in my sewing list, lol!
      Happy Holidays to you too!
